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Highland Savior Page 13
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Page 13
Her body shook as she cried. She leaned back and laid her head on the stall behind her. The smell of manure and hay filled her nose. A horse whinnied and the combination of it all soothed her a bit, but made her think of her father and the tears fell all over again.
The sound of footsteps outside the barn roused her. Using the knuckles of her thumbs, she wiped clumsily at her tears several times and took a deep breath. Slowly, the door opened, making a creaky sound and she glanced over to see her visitor. Hamish peeked around the door and upon seeing her, came inside, closing the door behind him.
She never took her eyes off him as he approached and when he stood in front of her, he offered his hand and she took it. Once she was up, he brought her in and held her, no words were exchanged for none were needed. She was thankful for the solid embrace, reminding her that he was real. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tight, gripping his shirt in her fists. Her cheek laid over his heart and she closed her eyes, listening to his heartbeat. Thump-thump . . . Thump-thump . . .
He leaned back and placed his hands on each side of her head, almost covering her ears, and looked straight into her eyes. “I must go. Tis important and I need ye to understand.”
“It’s not that I don’t understand, it’s that . . .” She shifted her stance, never looking away and he never moved his hands, “. . . I’m afraid to be alone.”
“My brother will keep ye safe. Ye have nothing to fear.”
“It’ll be uncomfortable. I don’t know them.”
He smiled and it lit up his face. “Are ye getting attached to me then?”
She didn’t smile because she knew it was true. After all they had been through, how could she not be? The smile left his face. The look in his eyes became heated and she understood that emotion for the same feeling was growing inside her as well.
He dipped his head and took her mouth like a man possessed and she followed suit. There was urgency between them. A natural instinct to reassure someone’s lover that you needed them, you were there for them, and they were the only one.
Her hand slipped under his kilt and she grabbed his firm buttocks, pulling him closer to her. She found a new respect for the clothing they wore.
His hand found her breast and kneaded it through her dress. She could feel his desire growing and felt the proof of it. Breaking the kiss, she looked around and remembered the bench on which she had been sitting.
She stepped back, breaking the embrace, and turned him around, backing him up against the bench. When it hit the backs of his legs, he sat down.
She took three steps closer to him. Hiking her dress, she straddled his lap. The feel of him against her took her breath for a moment and she began to move against him. His hands rested on her hips. She leaned her head forward to kiss him and he opened for her. When her tongue found his, she closed her eyes, enjoying the taste of him.
After a few moments, she leaned forward and reached between them. Her hand found his cock and she gripped it, guiding it to the edge, then slowly lowered herself upon him. A moan escaped her and she bit her lip as she began to roll her hips back and forth. She placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. He reached inside her dress and popped her breast out and when his mouth fastened on her nipple, she arched her back to give him more access.
The smell of hay and him enveloped her senses. A horse whinnied and the bench was cutting into her knees but she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered were the sensations coursing through her body as she made love to him and the emotions filling her heart. Even kneeling over him, she was only eye level with him and she brought his mouth away from her breast and kissed him, never losing her momentum. As she stared into his eyes, she knew she was lost to him forever.
His hand slipped between them and began to stroke her as she rode him faster. Her breathing picked up, short and labored as the tension climbed.
“That’s it, Gillian,” he whispered against her ear and placed a kiss on her cheek.
She smiled, making her movements more determined. “Why don’t you come with me?”
As her climax peaked, she moaned out loud, relishing in the tingling sensation that flowed within her. Every nerve ending in her body felt as if it was exploding. After a few seconds, Hamish followed her, and growled out his answer.
When they were done, she hugged him to her, not wanting to break the connection. He was still inside her and she loved the feeling. For this moment, they were one.
He pulled her slightly away from him. “Do ye trust me?”
“With my life.”
He swallowed. “Then trust that ye are safe here and trust in me that I will come back for ye. There’s something I have to do.”
“All right then.”
She slowly stood from his lap and lowered her dress. He took her hand and led her out of the barn and away from the house.
“Where are we going?”
“There’s a lake behind Alexander’s home. I thought ye might like to bathe.”
They walked in silence. She listened to the night that surrounded her, but was only half-interested. She put all of her trust in this man and she had to have faith that everything would work out.
“I would,” she said and smiled, for it gave her a few more precious moments alone with him before he left in the morning.
Chapter 18
Hamish waited outside the castle gates, hidden within the forest. The ground below him was mainly dirt, with leaves of fall scattered here and there. The branches of the pines didn’t quite touch the ground, but the trees were thick and he wasn’t ready to get on the main road and be seen; not yet. There would be many people with a lot of questions and he had to ready himself. He had a plan set in motion and sent up a quick prayer that it was believable.
Taking a deep breath, he nudged Sabastian and they made their way through the trees and onto the road. A rabbit scurried across his path and his horse snorted. He glanced up at the sun and reasoned it to be around eleven in the morning. The noon meal would soon be underway and he hoped that it meant the people he needed to see would be there today.
The main gates to the castle were open and two men, one on each side, stood guard. As he approached, they both recognized him, turning to glance at one another.
“Welcome, Hamish. Tis good to see ye.”
“Aye, tis good to be seen.”
He rode on through the gates and turned toward the stables. After handing Sabastian off to the stable boy, he made his way quickly to the back of the castle. A few women were walking quickly back to the kitchens, carrying buckets of water. Little girls sat huddled together, each pointing to the other’s doll and talking. Little boys ran across the field with fake swords pretending to be warriors. No one paid him any attention.
He viewed the stone stairs that curved slightly to the left toward a door on the second floor. Below the highest part of the stairs was another door that led to storage.
He took the stairs two at a time in effort to get out of sight. He didn’t want to see anyone until he’d spoken to James and the chief. The door creaked when he opened it and he peered around, then quickly stepped in and closed it quietly.
Three doors down the hall was his brother’s bedroom. He was hoping to speak to him alone. Knocking, he heard footsteps from the other side.
The door opened and his brother stared at him for a moment in surprise, then stepped aside to let him in. No words were exchanged. He knew he had some explaining to do.
He watched as James poured two drinks, then handed him a glass.
“I thank ye.” Taking a swig, he set the glass on the floor beside his chair, then leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees. And waited.
James paced back and forth. Finally stopping, he asked, “Would ye mind explaining to me where yer arse has been for the last month?
“Ye seem pretty calm.” Hamish hadn’t expected the same reaction from James that he’d gotten from Alexander. He knew James would think first and act second.
“I wish to death everyone would quit saying that.” He downed the contents of his glass. “Now, explain yerself.”
He glanced up to meet his brother’s eyes. “I—”
“I doona want to hear yer excuses. I want the truth.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and tried again. “After the fire—”
James pointed at him. “Do ye have any idea what this last month has been like for us? Dealing with Margaret’s death should have been enough.” He began his pacing again. “Then I have to deal with yer disappearance.”
“If ye would let me— ”
He stopped and stared at him. “Do ye ken that there actually are people out there that think because ye were gone that ye had something to do with wee Margaret’s death?”
He waited, not answering, knowing his brother wasn’t done.
“Ewan had to break up two fights because I was defending ye.” He paused. “Ye have nothing to say to me?”
Hamish stood took a step back, hands on his hips. “If ye would stop speaking for just a moment, I would explain things to ye.”
James scruffed at his brother, then took a seat at the table near the window. He poured himself more whiskey and took a long swig.
He swallowed, his throat going dry. He was actually nervous. Not as if he was a child trying to think of a lie to avoid a spanking. He was simply a grown man trying to think of a lie to tell his brother so that he didn’t have to tell him the truth. He couldn’t tell him that he had traveled to the future and returned with a woman from the future. God, even to him it sounded irrational.
Thoughts of Gillian at his brother’s house flitted through his mind and he brushed them away. He needed to concentrate. Then he paused. The answer came to him.
“Marlana has been searching for a friend back in the Americas and she finally was able to contact her. Her name is Gillian and she arrived in Scotland the day after Margaret died. I went to retrieve her, using the time to grieve, clear my head, and think. Alexander didn’t want to leave Marlana in her condition and she’s not able to travel.”
“That is why ye have been gone for so long. Ye had to go to the coast?”
“Aye.” He strode over to the table and sat down in the other chair. “To be truthful, brother, I needed to get away. I’m sorry I left with no word, but the moment Alexander mentioned it, I packed a few things and left.”
James nodded his head and stared down at the floor. He needed to tell him about Archibald if the chief hadn’t already.
“There’s something else.”
James turned his head to look at him. “Go on.”
He explained his encounter with the brothers and all that had transpired.”
“Are ye in the habit of keeping secrets from me then?”
“Nay. As soon as it happened I came straight to the castle and spoke with the chief. It was his advice to keep it quiet.”
“I see.”
He rubbed his neck, trying to ease the tension building in the muscles.
“I keep thinking about Archibald and his threats and wonder if he could have set the fire to get revenge for Fergus.”
James stood, took a few steps and turned. “Do ye hear what ye are saying?” He came forward, pointing at him. “Ye’re accusing him of murder.”
Hamish stood, his mood turned to anger. “I ken that verra well, brother. I have also thought that maybe he only meant to burn the house to get the land. Maybe he didna ken Margaret was in the house.”
Hamish took a step closer to his brother and laid his left hand on his right shoulder. “And maybe he did.”
James chuckled. “Ye’ve had a long time to think about this, aye?”
“It makes sense. No one kens who the arsonist is, so why not use the fire to keep the trail away from him and still seek his revenge?”
James ran his hand over his mouth, back across his cheek and through his hair. “I’ll have to speak to the chief about this.”
He nodded.
“Why not tell the chief about yer thoughts instead of coming to me?”
“Because I wanted someone who would tell me the truth before I made a fool of myself to Cluny.”
James patted him on the back. “Ye verra good at doing that.”
He swatted at his brother, but James dodged him, laughing.
“So, tell me about this Gillian.”
Gillian ran around the corner of the house as if the devil himself were on her heels. Her only thought was to get to Marlana.
The door flew open and she stopped just inside, her eyes adjusting to the difference in light. She found her, sitting in the chair in front of the fireplace. Whatever she had been sewing on had fallen to the floor.
“Marlana,” she said excitedly as she jogged over to her. “I heard your scream from outside. What’s wrong?”
“My contractions are coming hard.”
Gillian stood straight, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion. “Contractions? You’re in labor?”
She half smiled. “Aye, I am.”
“But you seemed fine.” She shook her head in disbelief.
“I’ve been having sporadic contractions for a few days now. I wanted to be sure it wasn’t false labor before I said anything.” She took a deep breath in and slowly blew it out. “Alexander’s first wife and child died in childbirth. I don’t want to cause him stress until I have to. He’s so worried something will happen to us.”
“I don’t think we can wait to tell him any longer.” She placed her hands on her hips.
She arched her back, then gripped the arms of the chair as another pain ripped through her.
“You’re right.” She breathed in and out. “He’s down by the lake.” Another couple of breaths and as the contraction subsided, she added, “Run, please.”
“Oh, yah.” She turned quickly and ran out of the house. Her hands held up the front of her dress as her legs pumped, carrying her as fast as she could go. The path to the lake was well trimmed and she passed through the woods with ease.
“Alexander,” she screamed even though he wasn’t in sight. If he was on his way back, he might hear and come to her.
Movement in front of her caught her attention and she recognized the man running toward her. She slowed, but kept running, both stopping within inches of each other. He gripped her arms.
“What’s wrong?”
She swallowed, trying to catch her breath.
“What is wrong?”
“Marlana,” she took a deep breath, “she’s in labor.”
At the look of confusion, she said, “She’s going to have the baby.” Without any more explanation, he took off and she followed pursuit. She saw the look on his face and knew that fear drove him. As she ran, she sent a silent prayer that mother and baby would be fine.
When she reached the door, she found Alexander picking Marlana up into his arms and carrying her toward the bedroom. She placed her hands on each side of the door frame, bent her head and tried to catch her breath. Another moan from the bedroom and her head shot up. She had never been around anyone who was about to give birth and it made her nervous.
Alexander called her name and she ran to him. Marlana sat on a chair, while he laid a bunch of blankets on the bed. When he had finished, he picked her up and laid her down.
“What do you need?”
Brushing the hair off of his wife’s face, he stopped his ministrations to look back at her.
“I have to go get the midwife. I need ye to stay with her.”
“Of course.”<
br />
He turned back to Marlana and Gillian left for a moment to find a cloth. Stepping outside, she dunked it in the rain barrel. Ringing it out, she hurried back into the house and the bedroom. Alexander placed several kisses on Marlana’s forehead. “I doona want to leave ye.”
She half-smiled but merely for his sake. “I’ll be fine. Really, I would know if something was wrong and I don’t feel bad.”
He nodded. Gillian could see his jaw working and could almost hear the thoughts in his head. When another contraction came, he bolted out of the house.
She came over to the bed and sat down near Marlana’s shoulders. Taking the wet cloth, she dabbed sweat from her forehead and neck.
“Thank you, that feels good.”
Time passed slowly it seemed. The contractions came quicker. She helped Marlana pull clothing up to her breasts and despite the temperature outside, she now lay half-naked on top of the bed. Conversations consisted of movies, favorite foods, and what Marlana missed the most about where she came from. Anything that helped distract the soon-to-be mother.
“I’ll remember next time not to cut these things so close.” She tried to laugh. “If Alexander doesn’t get here soon with the midwife, you’ll be delivering this baby.” No sooner had the words come out of her mouth, when she screamed as a pain shot through her. “It’s time.”