Highland Savior Read online

Page 10

  He strolled into the bedroom. Gillian had remembered to pack his shirt, kilt, shoes, and socks. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror. Dressed in clothes from her time, he almost didn’t recognize himself. He turned to stare at his clothes lying on the bed, as if they beckoned him back to his time and back to his life. He walked over to the bed to change and prepared to leave this world forever.

  Then, just to capture things in his memories, he walked around the hotel room examining things. He turned water on and off again, started the microwave, set the alarm clock to go off in five minutes, and opened the mini refrigerator. There were things he was going to miss.

  He started to open the door, but closed it again, leaving his one hand on the handle and placing the other on the door along with this forehead. Closing his eyes, he stalled. Once he returned to the living room, he would be leaving her. Taking a deep breath, he blew it out, as a tear slipped down his cheek. He hated to leave her here to fend off a killer. Maybe she was right. If she lived here, maybe Antonio would never find her. Who would ever think to move to Scotland?

  Standing up straight, he began to open the door. He was a warrior, for crying out loud. He had fought in battles, killed men with his bare hands, he could do this. Better to get it over with than linger and make things worse.

  Gillian was in the middle of the living room. All of the furniture was spread to the outer walls, leaving a big open space in the middle. She was dressed in jeans and a red sweater. Candles had been placed in four points making a large diamond. When she finished placing the fifth candle in the center, she turned to him and waved him over. He walked purposefully toward her, mindful of the candles. He didn’t know how he felt about all of this, but was respectful of it still. It’s funny how, even faced with the reality of something, the way you were brought up takes a precedent over all logic.

  She took his hand. “Kneel with me.”

  She knelt on the left side and he sat on the right side of the candle. Placing his hands in his lap he glanced over at her. Her hair had been parted in two sections and braided.

  “We’re supposed to meditate first. Close your eyes and get rid of all thoughts. Be at peace, then start to concentrate on your home. Remember, now that we are in the circle, we can’t leave it until it’s done, so don’t move.”

  She turned back to the front and closed her eyes. After a moment, he did the same. He focused on the quiet of the room, the scent of the oil that burned nearby, and her perfume. That was the wrong thing to do. A small ball of panic welled up inside him, knowing that at any moment he could be gone. He glanced back over at her and stared, memorizing every line of her face. Her eyelashes were short but thick, and with her eyes closed and in this candle light, they cast a shadow above her cheeks. She had a freckle at the edge of her nose he had never seen before. Other than that, her skin was spotless and smooth. He ached to touch her.

  She must have sensed him staring because she opened her eyes and turned to look at him. And that’s how they sat for a few moments, just staring at each other.

  He threw caution to the wind. He wasn’t going to lose one more moment with her.

  He rose onto his knees and crawled around the candle to her. He couldn’t take his gaze off her. Leaning in, he took her lips with his and sat back. “Before we start, I have something to say.”

  “And what would that be?”

  She licked her lips and he came undone. He stood up on his knees and reached for her hands, pulling her to him. He held her hands at their sides as he kissed her, urgently. He was going to use this time to show her how much he cared for her and he wouldn’t waste one moment on subtlety.

  She opened her mouth to him in an instant and his tongue found hers. He let go of her hands to place one hand around her back and the other to cup her head, bringing her closer to him. Their bodies pressed firmly together from chest to knees.

  She broke free of him. “What . . . are you sure?” she asked breathlessly.

  “I am. How about ye? Is this still what ye want, knowing I will be gone?”

  She smiled and he searched her face.

  “Yes, make love to me.”

  It was all he needed to hear. He let go of her to grab at the bottom of her sweater and lifted it over her head, letting it slide down her back, being careful of the burning candles. She knelt in front of him in a lacy red bra—she was beautiful. She reached behind and undid the clasp, taking it off. Her breasts were plump, firm, and had a slope that begged for his attention. He bent down, taking a nipple into his mouth. His teeth skimmed over it and she inhaled. He tugged and teased and she placed her hands on his head as her breath deepened. She backed away from him as she undid her pants and slid them over her hips, standing only long enough to take them and her underwear off. Then she knelt back down to him. Her underwear was the same color as her bra and he began to think that red was his new favorite color.

  Her light brown skin was a contrast to his whiter complexion.

  The space between the candles was constricting so he sat back on the floor. She stayed on her knees in front of him and he explored her body with a fever he had never felt before. She was splendid in all her glory and he couldn’t get enough. He parted her legs and dipped a finger deep inside, causing her to arch her back and let out a heady moan. That one simple sound became his undoing and he pulled her down onto his lap, kissing her again.

  She sat up a little, just long enough to move his kilt out of the way, and when her hand brushed his cock, he sucked in a breath. He wanted nothing more than to be inside of her, but if this was going to be their only time together, he wanted to make the most of it. Every fiber of his being was on edge as if he’d been hit by lightning and it waited for the next shock.

  Candlelight flickered on them, casting their shadows on the walls. He kissed her throat, right at the dimple in the center of her collarbone, then let his tongue trail up to her chin and flick off.

  They sat there, their hands exploring each other’s bodies. He kissed a trail back down her neck, across her chest to her breast. Taking the taut nipple into his mouth, he sucked and teased it until she arched into him wanting more. Then he moved over to the other breast, repeating the procedure. His hands came around to cup her ass, pulling her hips forward so she could feel his desire. When their eyes met, he saw a tear slowly fall down her cheek. He used his thumb to brush it away, then kissed the corner of her eye.

  “Doona cry.” He swallowed and tried to smile for her. “Let me see ye smile.”

  She tried, but failed and he brought her closer, holding her as she straddled his lap and rocked slowly. He heard her sniff then she leaned back, found his cock and began to stroke him, bringing him back to life. When he was completely hard, she shifted, then sat down upon him, taking him inside of her.

  He didn’t care that he had lost control of the situation and let her take the lead.

  Gillian couldn’t stop the tears from falling. She would miss him. The tenderness he’d just shown made her swell with love. Slow and steady, she rocked back and forth. She placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed his forehead, eyes, nose, and cheeks, all the while moving to a rhythm only the two of them could hear.

  His hands felt strong and large on her back and they rubbed and massaged up and down. His hands gripped her ass and lifted her higher, bringing her even closer. Keeping his hands on her hips, he helped her move.

  He slipped his hand down between the two of them and began to stimulate her most sensitive area. To accommodate him, she placed one hand behind her on his thigh and leaned back a little, arching. With a swift, manageable hand, he brought her to the brink of orgasm, only to stop his ministrations for a moment, then bring her to that point again. She couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Please, Hamish.”

  With a devilish smile, he began stroking again, and with each stroke, sh
e rode him harder, hoping to bring him the same pleasure she was about to reach.

  Looking him in the eye, she said, “Come with me, Hamish.” She reached her orgasm first and he soon followed.

  They stayed where they were, still connected and she loved the intimacy of the moment. Sweat glistened on their bodies. Both tried to catch their breaths.

  She swallowed. Now what? She felt awkward and wonderful at the same time. Should she say something or start right in on the ceremony? She didn’t want to move.


  She closed her eyes and waited.

  His hand brushed her cheek. “I’m famished. Let’s grab something to eat.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “We still have time.”

  A tear formed at the corner of her eye. Not only from the emotional moment she just shared with Hamish, but also for the fact that he, too, didn’t want to part. A little piece of acknowledgment of his feelings is something she had longed for and here it was. “If we leave the circle, we can’t perform the ceremony again until tomorrow.

  “I know.”


  She stood, grabbed her clothes, and got dressed. One by one, she blew out the candles. “There’s a snack machine in the hallway off the lobby. I’ll get some cash and we can go see what it has.”

  The lobby was quiet, but after all, it was late in the evening. Hamish placed his hands on her waist and peered over her shoulder at the food in the machine.

  “What sounds good? There are cookies, chips, pastries . . .”

  A kiss on her neck distracted her and she smiled, turning to peer at him. But as she was turning to look at him, her eyes caught sight of someone leaning against the wall and she tried to focus. Then she froze.

  Oh, my God!

  She blinked, hoping the vision in her sight was a hallucination. But he was still there. She swallowed and tapped Hamish on the shoulder.


  He turned around, then quickly moved in front of her, blocking Antonio from her view.

  “What are ye doing here?” he asked.

  She could hear the surprise in his voice and it matched her own. Of all the places to be found, how on earth could he have found her here?

  Antonio stepped away from the wall and placed his hands behind his back. “You have something I want.”

  “How did you find us?” Her hands, even though they rested against Hamish’s back, shook.

  “It took a little work, but I have my ways.” The grin on his face made her stomach turn.

  “How?” She had to know.

  “Well, your father wouldn’t say anything.” He shrugged. “At first.”

  Her father? She tried to step around Hamish. “What did you do to my father?” Anger boiled within her at the thought of him being hurt because of her. She lunged for him, but Hamish stopped her, holding her around the waist. As she fought to get loose, he tightened his hold.

  “What do you think?”

  Emotion overwhelmed her and she lunged for him again. “You son of a bitch.”

  “Tsk, tsk.” He pulled out his gun with such ease, slowly and surely, that it made her slink back a little. Her father. Fresh tears blurred her vision. She sent up a silent prayer that he hadn’t suffered. People were dying all around her because of what she had seen. The thought of the owl hooting twice crossed her mind. Her father was one—who would be the second? Her or Hamish? Maybe she should just give herself up and he would hopefully spare Hamish. She couldn’t let anything happen to him.

  She placed her hand on his hands. “It’s okay.” A steel calm came over her and she would accept things from here on out. She glanced up at Hamish, memorizing his features, then turned to glare at Antonio.

  “If you promise to leave Hamish alone, I’ll come with you.”

  Behind her, Hamish tensed. “Nay, I willna let ye go to him.”

  Antonio took a few steps forward, gun pointed at them. “You don’t have a say in it. “

  “The hell I don’t.” When Antonio was close enough, Hamish pushed Gillian out of the way and leapt toward him, grabbing the hand that held the gun.

  She stood frozen in place as she watched the men struggle to gain control of the situation. Hamish punched Antonio in the face and blood ran from his nose. He reached for his nose, then lunged for Hamish, the gun being dropped in the chaos.

  It was personal. Hand-to-hand combat was more intimate than just shooting someone, and apparently Antonio held a grudge.

  “Gillian, go to the room,” Hamish shouted in uneven breaths.

  She focused her attention back to Hamish. “What? No, I’m not leaving you.” She stepped forward, hoping to get a hold of the gun.

  They broke loose of each other and Hamish kicked the gun away from them. It slid down the hall in the opposite direction.

  He stepped backward to come stand beside her. Quietly, he answered. “Go to the room. Light the candles.”

  She stared blankly at him. Light the candles? Oh shit. Her mind wrapped itself tightly around his words. He wanted her to start the ritual. But why? Why would he leave her here with this man who wanted to kill her? She began to inch away from him. She pulled her hand from him and covered her mouth, astonished at what he proposed.

  “You’re leaving me?” She glanced back at her enemy and took a deep breath.

  “What? Nay. Ye are coming with me,” Hamish answered.

  She shook her head. “But we can’t start the ritual again until tomorrow. What if it doesn’t work?”

  “It’s our best chance. Now, go!” he yelled and she jumped. One more look at the two men as they stood pairing off in the middle of a bed and breakfast hallway. There was something very odd about the whole scene, as if it wasn’t really happening.

  She searched for the best way out and knowing she couldn’t get past Antonio, she turned and ran down the hall, hoping she could get to her room from this direction. She sent up a silent prayer. Please keep Hamish safe.

  Hamish refused to look at Gillian for fear Antonio would take his chance and attack him. He could hear the anguish in her voice when she thought he meant to leave her and it pulled at his gut, but he couldn’t focus on that now. When he heard her feet running down the hall, a quick relief flooded him. For at least a moment, she was safe.

  Antonio began to walk toward him when voices caught their attention. Two couples were coming in from a night out. Their laughter carried through the foyer. They stood, talking amongst themselves. Hamish stared at Antonio, but knew he needed to go now. He wasn’t sure if he would make a scene here or not. Bowing, he turned and walked away in the same direction Gillian had gone.

  As soon as he turned a corner and knew he was no longer in Antonio’s sight, he took off at a run. He needed to get to Gillian fast. Carpeted stairs kept his run through the halls fairly quiet. He saw a plaque on the wall reading Rooms 10-15. One more floor.

  As he turned the last corner on the stairs and came to the hallway opening, he slowed and began walking to their room. He knocked on the door. “Gillian, let me in.”

  When he heard footsteps, he instinctively knocked again. This time harder and more urgent. As the door opened, he turned and saw Antonio standing at the stairs. He went inside and slammed the door, locking it.

  “Why aren’t the candles lit?”

  “I remembered she said we were to be inside the circle before I did. She pulled on his sleeve to get him to follow her inside the ring of candles. A knock on the door made her fumble with the lighter and he grabbed her by the arms. “Focus, breathe.”

  He watched as she lit the candles and he heard Antonio trying to kick in the door. He hoped they had enough time. He grabbed her hand before she could recite the spell. “I read the spell. Ye have to say us, not him. Okay? Say us.”

; She nodded.

  The sound of the door breaking as it flew open and hit the wall caused him to turn and watch. Antonio came barreling into the room and skidded to a halt at the scene before him.

  Then time seemed to slow down. There was the burnt, smoky smell of the candles and the apple scent of Gillian’s shampoo as she swung her head to see what was happening, all the while the words of the spell slid from her tongue. Then there was a sense of not belonging as his body began to tingle and he felt as if he didn’t exist. Just as he began to feel dizzy, Antonio leapt toward them, into the circle, grabbing his arm. Then . . . there was nothing.

  Chapter 16

  Hamish leaned against a tree to catch his bearings. Traveling through as he did caused him to feel dizzy. He closed his eyes and willed himself not to throw up.

  The last thing he remembered was the feeling of emptiness and grabbing Gillian’s hand before Antonio leapt toward them.

  He turned to lay his forehead on the tree and took a couple of deep breaths to calm his nerves. The smell of old leaves and crisp air helped.

  A sound caught his ear and he quieted, focusing. Again, he heard it and he thought it sounded like a woman’s voice. He turned around, searching the area but saw nothing. He walked around the tree and found her about ten feet away.